Mint-lemongrass pear puffs

Mint-lemongrass pear puffs
If the cake is preserved, do not throw it out, make it with a little fruit and herbs, tasty inflated, like this mint-lemongrass pear inflated. This delicacy is also made from sourdame cake, pears, mint and lemongrass.

These recipes are very good for recycling leftover cakes, buns and croissants, because in no time, with variations of fruit and spices to suit our tastes, we can make such delicious ones.

Mint-lemongrass pear puffs
Mint-lemongrass pear puffs

Ingredients for 4-6 persons:
1/2 sikh cocoa cake
4 pears
4 eggs
15 ounces brown cane sugar
2 tbsp flour
10 ounces butter
1/2 lemon zest
1.5 dl cream
2 cl williamkörte brandy
1-1 small bunch mint or lemongrass leaves
1 vanilla stick


Slice the cake, fry both sides, then line a well-cooked, higher-walled baking dish with them.
The pears are peeled, their cores removed, sliced.
Mix the yolks of the eggs with the sugar, vanilla and lemon zest until frothy, add the pear brandy, sift in the flour, shredded mint and lemongrass, and cream. We’ll put the sliced pears in.
Beat the egg whites into a firm foam and gently turn them into the mass. Pour it all over the cakes, then in a preheated oven over a medium heat (190°C for a gas oven) for about 10 minutes. Bake for 35-40 minutes.

If you like my recipes, you can also find plum dumplings in the following places: Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’

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